Global Citizen & Dissertation

With the completion of courses for my doctoral program, I am embracing unique overseas experiences around the world during my dissertation research.

Through my professional experience in government experience design for the United States and interactions with the platforms of several other countries’ governments, a passion for the phenomenon of their digital transformation emerged. As nearly every country in the world makes efforts to accomplish the diffusion of information and communication technology into public administration and services, I am designing research to better uncover the statistically significant contributing factors.

Concurrently, I am continuing to travel and experience different parts of the world. The intersection of this immersion in diverse places, contexts, and perspectives with the doctoral academic lens has facilitated new critical understandings of country dynamics. I am better able to identify the impacts of policy-driven actions alongside their underlying metanarratives when framed within their country’s cultural and socioeconomic environment.

Additionally, the expanded firsthand experiences with different countries’ online government resources have further ignited a passion for my research. My opportunities to engage with the best-in-class examples of Australia, Singapore, Japan, and France continue to inspire the imagination of what is possible for the future.